A Guide to Start Your Medical Residency Program

1. Choose your field of specialization: You must match your residency to the field of your specialization.You should apply to a suitable residency program by considering the faculty, program and all other residential benefits. Also, getting a residency program greatly depends on your medical school performance. In case, you do not match up with any residency program, then you can get a list of open residency position from the dean of your medical school and apply to them.
2. Nature of work in medical residency: Your area of specialization determines the nature of work in medical residency. You can learn different procedures from fellow surgery resident. You will be given training to do physical examination of the patients on admission. Moreover, you will also learn to perform diagnosis of the patients. Also, based on your area of specialization, you need to help the surgeons in performing surgeries.
3. Length of the program: Medical residency program generally takes three to seven areas, depending on the specialization. For family practice, internal medicine and pediatrics, the time required is three years. On the other hand, doctors in surgery, need a much longer time.
4. Working hours in medical residency: It is a well known fact that medical residencies are exhausting. There are no fixed working hours in it. Most of the medical residents need to work 45 hours or more in a week. Also, first year residents need to work the most. Moreover, you also need to attend lectures while working in medical residency.
5. Pay scale of medical residency: Pay scale of medical residency changes according to the area. As per American Medical Association, the average salary of the medical residents in first year is $45,000. Also, the pay scale increases with every passing year.
You can also participate in residency match with Value MD.